HPLC Detectors



The most powerful technique to determine quantitatively and separate the mixture of composition in today’s modern chemistry is Chromatography especially High-Performance Liquid Chromatography or High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography. HPLC works on the principle of Affinity chromatography. The solution of the sample is injected into a column of a porous material (stationary phase) and a liquid (mobile phase) is pumped at high pressure through the column. The mixture on travelling through the stationary phase splits into its constituents and the component with high affinity for stationary phase travels late whereas one with less affinity elutes fast. This is also based partition coefficient of the material.

The actual separation of each component in the sample is carried inside a column; however, this separation needs to be “collected” for us to be able to see it. The detectors are used for this purpose. The separated components are monitored and expressed electronically. There is no universal detector that can monitor all compounds and there are many detectors used for LC analysis.

What is Detector?

A detector is a major component in HPLC, which is placed at the end of the system. Its work is to analyze the solution which is eluting from the column. The concentration of individual component of the analyte is proportional to the electronic signal coming out of the component of the mixture.

There are many types of HPLC detectors are used to quantify the analyte. Some commonly used detectors are listed our below.

1.      Refractive Index Detector

2.      Absorption Detector (UV/Vis & PDA)

3.      Fluorescence Detector

4.      Conductivity Detector

5.      Electrochemical Detector

Refractive Index Detector:

    The RI detector is one of the few universal detectors available in LC.

    They are also one of the bulk property detectors and are based on the change of the refractive index of the eluent from the column with respect to pure mobile phase.

Principle: The RI detectors measure a bulk property of the mobile phase leaving the column: its ability to refract to bend light (i.e., its refractive index). This property changes as the composition of the mobile phase changes, such as when solutes from the column. By detecting this change, the presence of solutes can be detected.

    One of simplest of RI detectors is the deflection RI detector.

    In this detector, light is created by a source and passed through flow cells containing mobile phase eluting from the column (sample stream) and a reference stream (usually mobile phase with no solute in it). The light passing through these flow cells is passed through a second time using a mirror and passed to a detector where its intensity is measured.

    When the refractive index of liquid in the sample and reference flow cell are the same, little or no bending of light occurs at the interface between the low-cells. This allows the largest amount of light possible to reach the detector.


    RI detector are universal applicable to the detection of any solute in LC. This makes them useful in preliminary work in LC where the nature or properties of a compound may not be known yet. They also the detector of choice for work with carbohydrates or in the separation of polymer by size-exclusion chromatography. 

Some disadvantages: 

(1) they do not have very good limits of detection, 

(2) they cannot used with gradient elution, where the composition of the mobile phase is changing with time. 

(3) The temperature of the system must also be controlled to avoid baseline fluctuations with these detectors.

Sensitivity: The response of a RI detector is approximately the same for all compounds.

Absorbance Detector (UV/Vis & PDA):

    The UV, VIS, and PDA detectors are categorized as absorbance detectors. The most common HPLC detectors used are UV detectors because of the fact that most of the compounds absorb in UV or visible region. They give specific response to the class of compounds or particular compounds depending upon the functional group of eluting molecules.

Principle: Absorbance detector measures the ability of solutes to absorb light at a particular wavelength range. This absorbance is described by the Beer-Lambert Law.

                                A = e l c


    A = Absorbance of light at a given wavelength

    e = Molar absorption coefficient of the solute

    l = path length of the flow-cell

    c = concentration of solute

    There are three types of UV-Vis absorbance detector: fixed wavelength detectors, variable and diode array detector. They are generally based on the following type of design:

     In a fixed wavelength detector, absorbance of only one given wavelength is monitored by the system at all time. The wavelength is usually 254 nm. A fixed wavelength detector is the simplest and cheapest of types of detector, but is limited in terms of its flexibility and the types of compounds it can used to monitor.

    In a variable wavelength detector, a single wavelength is monitored at any given time, but any wavelength in a wide spectral range can be selected. The wavelengths that can be monitored can vary from 190 nm to 900 nm. The ability to use one instrument for more than one wavelength is achieved by adding in more advanced optics to the system.

    Photo diode array detectors operate by simultaneously monitoring absorbance of solutes at different wavelength. The result is that an entire spectrum of a solute can be taken in a minimum amount of time.


    Absorbance detector can be used to detect any compound absorbing at the wavelength monitored. Absorbance detector can be sued with gradient elution. The response of an absorbance detector depends on the molar absorption coefficient. The larger this value is, the larger the response of the detector

Fluorescence Detector:

    A fluorescence detector is an example of a selective detector, with limits of detection smaller than those by either RI or absorbance monitors.


                    F = I F (1-e- e l c) = I F e l c (at low concentration)

    F = Fluorescence intensity

    I = intensity of the excitation light

    F= Fluorescence quantum yield

    e = Molar absorption coefficient of the solute

    l = path length of the flow-cell

    c = concentration of solute


    It can be used to detect any compound absorbing and emitting light At the given excitation and emission wavelength.

Conductivity Detector:


    This detector measures the ability of a solution to conduct a current when placed in an electrical field. This ability depends on the number of ions or ionic compounds present in the solution. ii. The relationship between the current, electric field and conductivity of the solution is shown as follows:

                                     I = C E 

     I = Current 

    C = conductivity 

    E = electric field strength

Applications: for any compound that is ionic or weakly ionic. It is widely used in ion chromatography.

Electrochemical detector:


    This detector measure the ability of a solute to undergo either oxidation (i.e., loss of electrons) or reduction (i.e. gain of electrons)

                Oxidation :  A↔ A+ + e-

                Reduction : A + e- ↔A-

    One way in which such a reaction can be monitored is by measuring the change in current under a constant electric field. Another way is to measure the change in the electric field produced when a constant current is present.


    Electrochemical detectors can be used to detect any solute that can undergo oxidation or reduction. 

    Detection by reduction: aldehyes, kentones, nitriles, conjugated acid, etc.. 

    Detection by oxidation: phenols, peroxides, purines, diols


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